Tuesday 23 March 2010

My First Post. The why.

I have been persuaded, finally, to get my arse in gear and start this blog, by my lovely wife, my oldest kid and my brother.

I am constantly moaning, enthusing and wondering about food: I have always had a feeling that I missed a trick earlier in my life by not learning to cook properly and become a chef, but I did start to cook in earnest after I got married, fourteen years ago. The stuff I cooked was, by today's standards, fairly basic fare, as I remember,but I am an unreliable witness. My memory is terrible ( I don't know how much I am making up and how much is true,really). But the stuff was damn tasty.
Back then I worked for Oddbins and my interest in food really took off because of wine, matching, eating out etc., then I worked for a fine food supplier, providing great ingredients to chefs in the west country. I loved that job and my interest and expertise, if any, was propelled into a new zone.
Yeah, I probably am a snob about food, and definitely am about wine, but only to the extent that I care about the production and origin of both and, not being wealthy, I am concerned about value for money, NOT cheapness. I will happily spend a lot if I think what I'm buying is worth it. How does one tell? Experience, research and learning. I have learned much over the years, not all by a long chalk, but enough to get me by quite well, and to avoid the pitfalls many of us succumb to, usually set by the supermarkets.

You will get wine reviews, food reviews, restaurant reviews, food and wine recommendations, recipes (mine and others') and in no particular order or regularity. It may take me while to find a formula for this blog but I will find it and I hope it bears fruit for me, to get me out of my furrow and provide a bit of entertainment and info for my fellow amateur foodies.

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